
目前显示的是 六月, 2018的博文

Structure Forms of Steel Silo Roof

The silo roof is the structure that closes the top of the silo, Its shape is generally hemispherical or arched. The silo roof is one of the major auxiliary works for the steel silo construction. However, what is the specific structure of the silo roof? This article will give you the answer. Silo Roof Types There are three basic structural forms of the roof of the steel silo, which are the profiled steel frame roof, truss roof, and grid roof. The choice of the roof is mainly determined by the span of the steel silo and the equipment load at the top of the silo. Steel skeleton roof is generally used for steel silo whose span is less than 27 meters and its roof equipment load is less than 50KN, and there is no horizontal force. The truss roof is usually used when the silo span is 27 to 50 meters, the roof load is less than 200KN, and there is no horizontal force. And when the silo span exceeds 50 meters, the roof load exceeds 200KN, and there is a horizontal force and

Grain Silo Introduction

Grain Silo There are three types of storage facilities commonly used by grain companies: brick warehouses,  spiral steel silos  and reinforced concrete silos. Except for some small-scale factories that use brick warehouses, large and medium-sized factories both prefer the latter two types of storage facilities. Steel silos were first widely used in Europe and America. The  steel silo for grain storage  originated in the early 20th century. By the end of the 1970s, steel silos had virtually replaced any other type of granary. Especially in the United States, Canada, and other developed countries, steel silos have become the mainstream silo type of granaries. Because of its many advantages, such as less investment, short construction period, and small floor space, the steel silo have become the preferred warehouse type for grain storage and have broad market prospects. What are the advantages of using steel silos to store grain? At present, grain companies mostly choose thin-

Steel Silo Design

Some details in the early design stage can determine the overall quality of the steel silo. Reasonable design work can guarantee a long service life for the steel silo. Preparations Before Designing Designers need to do a series of preparations before they start designing a steel silo. First, they need to learn where the customer is going to use the steel silo ( are they going to use it for storage, or for transportation, or in a production line? ) and what are they going to store. So they can select correct auxiliary equipment for the silo, and create a detail storage solution. Second, they need to go to the silo project location to observe the site environment, learn the local geological conditions and annual weather data. It is necessary to strictly survey the proposed site for the steel silo in order to obtain reliable and actual data of the soil density and its bearing capacity. The designers need to fully calculate the load that the steel silo is subjected to when its

The Advantages of Spiral Silo Compared to Traditional Storage Tanks

1. What Is Spiral Steel Silo Tank Technology? The spiral storage silo is also called lipp tank, it was invented and named by a Germen engineer in the 1970s. Through decades of development, it has already become the most advanced tank construction technology around the world. It uses a double seam system, this technology created a special way to build a storage tank. 2. What Are Traditional Tank Construction Technologies? The traditional storage tanks include concrete tank, welded tank and bolted tank. 1) The concrete tank is the oldest storage tank. The materials  used to build a concrete tank include steel bar, cement, sand, gravel and water. 2) Bolted tanks are steel made, with 6mm-10mm steel bolting, they can be very strong. 3) Welded storage tanks are also called welded steel tanks. they are made of welded steel plates whose thicknesses can range from 4mm to 10mm. 3. The Advantages of Spiral Storage Silo Compared to the traditional storage tanks, spiral storage sil