
How to Properly Store Wheat with Grain Silo

This article was originally published on silosupplier.com Grian silos are built to store various crops and foods. To properly store wheat with grain silos, we must first know its storage characteristics. Wheat storage characteristics Strong moisture absorption capacity The seed coat of wheat is thin, the inner structure is loose, so its moisture absorption capacity is strong. Long after-ripening period The after-ripening period of wheat is long. The after-ripening period of different wheat varieties is also different. The ripening period of most varieties ranges from two weeks to two months. The quality of wheat with suitable moisture content will be improved after ripening, which will make it easier to preserve. High temperature resistance Wheat has strong heat resistance. According to the experiment, wheat with 17% moisture content will not decrease its enzyme activity and germination ability when it is dried at less than 46 ℃. The quality of ground wheat flour is

Rice Storage in Steel Silos

This post is originally published on  http://www.silosupplier.com Steel silos can be used as grain silos to store many varieties of grains such as rice, wheat, bean, and corn. Rice is a staple food for people in East Asia. What are the characteristics of rice storage? And how do we store it correctly? Rice Storage Characteristics The hard glume of rice can protect the grain and resist the influence of insect pest and temperature and humidity. Therefore, rice is easier to store and maintain than ordinary grain. However, rice is easy to germinate and is not resistant to high temperatures, which is a place that requires special attention during storage. Most rice varieties (such as japonica rice) have no post-maturing period, they are physiologically mature at the time of harvest and have germination ability. Moreover, the amount of water absorption required for germination of rice is rather low. Therefore, if the rice is continuously exposed to rainy weather during harves

How to Solve Material Compaction Problem of Fly Ash Steel Silos

Fly Ash Compaction in Steel Silos This post was originally published on http://www.steel-silo.com There are many matters needing attention in the long-term storage of fly ash in large steel silos. First of all, the fly ash can not contain too much water before entering the steel silo, and the bottom of the silo must be waterproofed; secondly, the materials stored for a long time should be regularly homogenized. The frequency of homogenization is preferably two to three times a week, which enables the material in the silo to achieve a better homogenization effect. Preferably, a fluidized rod device is installed in the steel silo for homogenization. The homogenization effect of the fluidized rod at the bottom of the silo is much more significant than that of the gas tank. The homogenization effect of the fluidized rod can enable the outflow rate of fly ash silo to reach 95% or more, which is very efficient. After studying a large number of cases, we found that many fly ash silos

Things You Should Know About Cement Storage Tanks

Cement is a powdery water-hardening inorganic gelling material. After mixing with water, it can be hardened in air or water, and can firmly put sand, stone and other materials together. The word “cement” comes from the Latin word “caementum”, meaning gravel and rubble. In early years, the mixture of lime and volcanic ash is very similar to lime pozzolanic cement, use it to glue concrete which made of crushed stone. After hardening, the cement not only has high strength, but also can resist the erosion of fresh water or salt water. For a long time, it has been used as a kind of important cementing material, widely used in civil construction, water conservancy, national defense and other projects. Nowadays, cement storage tanks  are widely used all around the world. It's very useful and helpful to know more about them. Cement Classification According To Main Hydraulic Material Portland cement Aluminate cement Sulphoaluminate cement Aluminoferrite cement

Preparations for Steel Silos Before They Are Put into Use

Because of the fast construction speed and low manpower demand, the steel silos are favored in various related industries. However, there are many preparation work to be done before a steel silo is put into use that many people don not know. Preparations of Auxiliary Equipment In the late stage of the  steel silo construction process , mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, automatic control systems, inspection devices, monitoring devices, etc. must be installed, tested and commissioned before the steel silo is used. If problems are found, they must be processed in time.  Mechanical equipment includes: belt conveyor, air cushion belt conveyor, buried scraper conveyor, bucket lifter, warehouse bottom auger, clearance scraper, loading machine, packing machine, belt conveyor, scraper, etc.; weighing machinery Including the middle ground, truck scales, track scales, mechanical scales, electronic scales, etc.; cleaning machines include self-balance vibrating screens, plane rotatin

Structure Forms of Steel Silo Roof

The silo roof is the structure that closes the top of the silo, Its shape is generally hemispherical or arched. The silo roof is one of the major auxiliary works for the steel silo construction. However, what is the specific structure of the silo roof? This article will give you the answer. Silo Roof Types There are three basic structural forms of the roof of the steel silo, which are the profiled steel frame roof, truss roof, and grid roof. The choice of the roof is mainly determined by the span of the steel silo and the equipment load at the top of the silo. Steel skeleton roof is generally used for steel silo whose span is less than 27 meters and its roof equipment load is less than 50KN, and there is no horizontal force. The truss roof is usually used when the silo span is 27 to 50 meters, the roof load is less than 200KN, and there is no horizontal force. And when the silo span exceeds 50 meters, the roof load exceeds 200KN, and there is a horizontal force and

Grain Silo Introduction

Grain Silo There are three types of storage facilities commonly used by grain companies: brick warehouses,  spiral steel silos  and reinforced concrete silos. Except for some small-scale factories that use brick warehouses, large and medium-sized factories both prefer the latter two types of storage facilities. Steel silos were first widely used in Europe and America. The  steel silo for grain storage  originated in the early 20th century. By the end of the 1970s, steel silos had virtually replaced any other type of granary. Especially in the United States, Canada, and other developed countries, steel silos have become the mainstream silo type of granaries. Because of its many advantages, such as less investment, short construction period, and small floor space, the steel silo have become the preferred warehouse type for grain storage and have broad market prospects. What are the advantages of using steel silos to store grain? At present, grain companies mostly choose thin-